Flag tattoo designs

Thinking About Confederate Flag Tattoo Designs? Read This First

Flag tattoo designsOne of the most popular ink patterns is the confederate flag tattoo design. Perhaps it's the aesthetic factor of the design itself or the weight of history it represents, but the confederate flag tattoo design has already inspired various versions from different people.

The inspiration for this tattoo design - the confederate flag - once represented the Confederate States of America during and before the civil war of the United States. Basically, the war was fought over the issues of slavery. With one side believing that slavery should be kept (South) while United States leaders were trying to change the situation, eventually leading to the birth of the confederate flag. The confederate flag nowadays or sometimes called the "Confederate Battle Flag" has been a widely acknowledged emblem of the South.

Flag tattoo designsFor some, the rebel flag symbolizes the south's deep roots: Southern pride, southern hospitality and the love for the areas in the south. Its origination has been somewhat forgotten and is replaced by people's own perspective of the symbol. The confederate flag has a red background and contains a blue cross with 13 white stars inside it. The stars are there to represent the different states that were part of the Confederate States of America.

Because of its origin, the confederate flag tattoo design can hold different meanings for different people - not all of them good.

Flag tattoo designsBearing this in mind, it might be best to think things over before getting a confederate flag tattoo design. However, if you're already bent on getting one, then you might want to think about the location of your tattoo. If there's a possibility that you will come in contact of a lot of people, then you might try placing it somewhere less seen. However, the choice is basically up to you.

For those who already have rebel flag tattoo designs, they have incorporated the flag into some patterns of their own, dressing it up and improving on the basic design. There are those who wrap it in basketballs, use it as clothes for different characters or wrapped around a football, depending on the person's preference.

Tattoos have created an impact on society in the same way that society has impacted tattoo motifs. Undoubtedly, tattoo designs are something that enthusiasts mull over and examine before ultimately being used. Remember that a tattoo is something that you will live with for a long time. It might be best to think about it first, especially if the tattoo design of your choice has meanings that go further than your own.

Sporting a tattoo is one way of letting people be aware of your inherent personality. It not only serves aesthetic purposes but is also a statement of a person's individuality. Rebel flag tattoo designs - as well as any other design, has a way of telling a person's viewpoint, opinions and ideas without the need for words. This is why it is very important to understand exactly what your tattoo design means, because in some way, it defines you as a person. Happy tattoo hunting! ( By Steve Salvatori )