Greek tattoos

Greek Tattoos - Get Fascinated With These Design

Greek tattoosFascinated with Greek tattoos? Greek is one of the world's oldest languages and it has a rich heritage. So, it's only natural that Greek tattoos are among the most popular tattoo designs of all time. There are several Greek designs you can choose from when you decide to get tattooed. You can make use of the ever popular Greek phrases and their respective translations, or you can have a tattoo inspired by the gods and goddesses in their mythology.

Greek Mythology

Greek tattoosMythological characters or the gods and goddesses are great choices for tattoo designs like those that depict the popular God Zeus - the god of mercy and justice, or it can be a tattoo representing Venus - the goddess of beauty. Another option is the striking scenes from the mythology stories, which are colorful and can make great tattoo designs.

Greek Phrases

Greek tattoosIf you decide to have Greek phrases for your tattoo, it is important for you to be familiar enough with the phrase or quote that you are going to use. Commonly, quotes from famous Greek philosophers Socrates and Plato are preferred because of the romantic connotations. If you're not sure about the meaning of a certain quote, do your research or find a translator.

Greek letters are significant as well in choosing Greek tattoos, as they add the element of elegance and style to your already meaningful tattoo.

Other Designs

There are several other Greek tattoo designs that you can choose from. Here are some of these designs:

* Greek Key - this design is said to symbolize the legendary figure of Theseus, the king of Athens.
* Greek Cross - this pattern does not necessarily represent the religious crucifixion but mostly it signifies the four directions of the earth. The most widely used design is the classic Greek cross, which is adopted by the Red Cross as its symbol.

Greek tattoosGreek tattoos are great forms of self-expression. It may be ironic that tattoos were treated as a form of punishment during ancient Greece. But today, Greek heritage, beliefs and symbols are popular tattoo designs. ( By Michael Trott )