Design your own tattoo

Design Your Own Tattoo Easily

Articles By Chess McDoogle

Design your own tattooA lot of people want to design their own tattoo. It is possible, even if you are not artistic. There are different ways you can go about learning how to design your own tattoo. Here are two of the easiest and most straight forward methods.

You have 2 choices if you want to design your own tattoo: Either you be the artist or you use an artist.

1. Being the artist.

Design your own tattooIf you are artistic and can draw decently, then you may very well want to make your own design. This can be easier and more creative, but at the same time it can be frustrating trying to get things perfect.

Your best bet is to look through a tattoo gallery online at all of the existing high quality designs and then get a sense of how your design needs to look for it to be an effective and striking tattoo.

2. Using an artist.

Design your own tattooNow, you can still be the designer of your own tattoo even though you use someone else to do the actual drawing. Think of it as someone who designs a building, but brings in an artist to make a rendition.

Before you bring in your artist, first you should write down ideas and have examples ready of what style and feel you want the tattoo design to be. The best thing to do is to look at an online tattoo gallery and pick out a handful of high quality designs which are similar in style and feel to what you are after. Then your artist will have a good idea of how to best draw your design.