Famous tattoo artists

Lower Back Tattoo Designs - Ways to Be Unique
Articles By Terry Daniels

Famous tattoo artistsA tattoo can be anything and put anywhere on the body, but the sexiest place by far is lower back tattoo designs. Women are drawn toward them because they will accentuate the natural curves by making the waist appear smaller or enhancing the hips and curves of the bottom. Men find them appealing much for the same reasons.

Popular designs are those that wing out from a center piece. It can be a small, intricate weave or expand from hip to hip. Some lower back tattoo designs are extensions of larger, full back pieces of art. The body is a canvas, and the back is the flattest part to work on. Most tattoo artists are pleased when a client requests these areas.

If you are doing some searching online for these types of designs, you probably have seen the same artwork over and over again. Nobody really wants a tattoo that's plastered all over country. I have seen the same design many times while walking the beach in the summer. Boring. So, where to find original designs that are not yet popular?

Online Forums

Famous  tattoo artistsBy signing up for several online forums that discuss tattoos, you will find plenty of fellow canvas holders who will direct you to the best sites to find unique lower back tattoo designs. These sites are often rare in themselves, because you generally cannot find them using your basic search engines. From there you will be taken to:

Online Galleries

Some of these galleries will show works of art from famous tattoo artists from around the world, such as Damon Conklin, Boog and Mordenti. Some of these artists are known for their portraiture. If are looking to immortalize your idol, this is where you want to go.

By choosing work from artists that are creating designs you are looking for, you will be sure to get the very best. If you are new to body art, then learning how to spot good work is one thing you need to learn. Take your time and browse.

Famous tattoo artistsOne way to ensure that your lower back tattoo designs will be unique is by taking several different designs you particularly like and mixing them together to create a whole new look. If you are working with a professional this will not be hard to do. A good artist is also very creative in this area. Ask if this or that can be changed to make it totally different.

By taking your time and using some imagination and a good artist, you will be able to have a design that is uniquely yours, at least for a while. If an artist is very pleased with a design he/she will showcase it. You can request that it be kept out of the books and off the walls, but if it will be a money maker, don't count on it.