Design my own tattoo

Design My Own Tattoo - How to Design a Tattoo For Yourself

Design my own tattooIf you have been asking the question "How do I design my own tattoo" then I am glad you are here today reading this article. In this article you will learn exactly what you need to do to get the tattoo of your dreams. By the time you are finished reading this you should have no problem choosing where you should get your tattoo and what it should be of.

1- The colors

Design my own tattooThe colors are extremely important when it comes to tattoos. The reason for this is because you can have the same exact tattoo as someone else but if the colors are different, then the tattoo will look totally different and unique. If you are confused as to what colors to get, you should first start off trying black and white. Some tattoo's are actually cooler in black and white, if you don't like it you can always add more later.

2- The location

Another extremely important aspect of designing your own tattoo is first knowing where you want to put it. Some tattoo's look great across the back, while other tattoos will look horrible. If you want to get a tattoo on your back it is best to get something that is small enough to fit right behind your shoulder or big enough to fit across your whole back.

3- The actual design

Obviously, when getting a tattoo, the design is the most important part. For all the guys reading this, you are best off getting a design that is manly, but not too many that it just looks like you are trying to show off. For women, anything cute and cuddly such as a fairy or heart will work. ( By David Wesenburg )