Get a tattoo

10 Most Painful Places to Get a Tattoo

Get a tattooThe question of pain in relation to tattoos is a frequently voiced concern.

The first thing one needs to know however, is that while there is often a certain level of discomfort associated with the procedure, tattooing generally is nowhere near as painful as most people are led to think.

The vast majority of healthy people who get a tattoo feel only slight discomfort in the area for a short time after the inscription.

The degree to which discomfort is felt is dependent on the individual. Everyone has a different pain threshold.

But to most people it feels like a faint burning sensation, or a scratchy feeling. A good, experienced tattoo artist will use any of several techniques available to them, to limit any pain in the tattooed area. Dr Numbs is what I normally use on my tattoos and this removes virtually all discomfort in my experience.

But where does hurt the most?

Get a tattooThe most painful place to get a tattoo would include less fleshy parts of the body with more nerve endings, and greater proximity of skin to bone. Areas such as:

1) the ankle

2) the spine

3) the chest (especially a not so fleshy chest)

4) the elbow

5) knees

6) the forehead

7) behind the ears

8) the top of a foot

9) The lower back

10) Lips

I must stress that the lip is not recommended for those who do not handle discomfort very well.

As a general rule, the more fleshy the part of the body being tattooed, the less pain you will feel. Therefore, areas like the thigh, shoulder, upper arm and buttocks are relatively pain-free, and are ideal for those with low pain tolerance.

Get a tattooInform your tattoo artist if at any stage of the process, you feel excessive discomfort. You would normally be allowed a break, or a resumption of the procedure at a later date.

Ideally, you should enter a tattoo parlor in an attuned frame of mind, and with a feeling of determination. Psychologically locking out all negative thoughts leads to reduced anxiety, and thus, sensitivity to the procedure.

All said and done, the vast number of people walking around with a tattoo, should tell you the process is by no means intolerable, and that you too can handle it. ( By Ross Ike )