Custom Tattoo

Should You Get a Custom Tattoo Design - 3 Reasons to Get One

Custom  TattooCustom design tattoos are all the rage these days. But you may be wondering if you should get one or not. There are many pros and cons for getting or not getting a tattoo. I will discuss some reasons you should consider to determine if you should get a tattoo. There are many more reasons to get a tattoo, but these I feel are the top three.

1. Religious Beliefs - Many obtain a tattoo to identify their religious beliefs. Whether you be Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or another religion, there is a tattoo for you. Some of the tattoos along these lines are typical, but you can find some custom designs to fit your religion by searching the internet or at your local tattoo parlor.

2. Patriotic Reasons - Men and women who serve or have served in the military may want to display their patriotic service by getting an appropriate tattoo. Such tattoos as American flags are popular. Or you may want to display the branch of service you were or are in. Such as an anchor for the Navy or USMC for service in the Marines.

Custom  Tattoo3. To Be Unique - Lots of people get tattoos just to be unique and just get your own custom design tattoo that will spark conversation. Many unique designs can be found on the internet, downloaded and taken to your local tattoo parlor.

Now before you start deciding on getting a tattoo, you will need to check the laws in your state. they very widely from state to state. Some states have no regulations but others have very strict laws on the books. ( By Jim Chase )