The New Cross Tattoo Designs Range From Small and Hidden to Bright, Big and Colorful
Getting hearts, angels and butterflies are popular alternatives to cross designs among women. They can be small, but have a lot of color. Women tend to get art on their ankles, stomach or small of the back.
Men generally opt for their cross to be put on the back, chest or arm. They usually opt for a cross design with symbolic meaning. The creative designs are not limited to either a man or a woman. It is no longer unacceptable for a woman to have a bold design on her arm or a man to have something on his leg. That is part of the beauty with cross tattoos, there is no significant sex or placing that is limited.
The cross design has to be something that you admire. And are proud to wear. When you make the decision to get a cross tattoo, it should be done by someone with previous work to show you. It is permanent and the last thing you want is a design that you are unhappy with; they are made to be displayed and admired.
The majority of cross tattoo designs are created out of remembrance to something or someone special. The tattoo is a beautiful piece of art that symbolizes what you admire. The designs can be a full colored cross or a simple one. ( By Aaron McLain )