Libra tattoos

Unique Libra Tattoos and You

Libra tattoosDid you know that wanting to find a unique Libra Tattoo goes beyond an interest in just getting a tattoo? You see, there are several reasons for people to want a tattoo. For some, it's simple ornamentation, for others it's a rite of passage or proof of courage. Then there are those who get a a tattoo for the erotic, the bizarre the weird and wonderful.

But for you it's different.

For you it's a statement of self identification. It speaks to a belief in a force that transcends all that this material world has to offer. You represent a balance to all that is just, looking for ways to make all things good and fair. You work hard when you need to and enjoy deep relationships because of your ability to make people feel warm, safe and at ease with their world when they are around you.

Your birth date, just as your life is no accident and you want to celebrate your birth determined Zodiac sign with a unique Libra Tattoo.

Now, the fact is, it's easy to find a Libra Tattoo. They are as near as your computer or tattoo parlor. Just do a "Google it" search and over 500,000 sites pop up all ready and willing to help you find your unique Libra Tattoo. But, where is the balance in that? How do you know where to start and what to look for?

Libra tattoosThe Zodiac Libra sign is most often depicted in 1 of 3 ways. There is the simple horizontal bar below an open half circle with lines extended out from the both sides, the other way is a silhouette of a man or woman holding a scale. The 3rd symbol is a simple scale. All 3 images are designed to represent the epitome of what you stand for: Justice, Balance, Sharing, Conviviality, Peace and Unity.

Libra tattoosIt's also interesting that the Libra sign is the only zodiac symbol that is neither animal or human in depiction and seems to stand not above or beneath the other symbols but in a position of neutrality to sustain an objective view in all that is just.

To find that unique Libra Tattoo start with the basic symbol and be creative with it. The image can be wrapped in flowers, held by a bird or used as a base under a cross. You can design a winsome form with color and cartoon or create a more serious tone by having the "grim reaper" holding the scale to represent the message that death will be the final "justice" for all.

Gather inspiration from sources close to you. Check out the Internet, visit tattoo parlors and talk to friends about what you are thinking. By spending some time looking for inspiration will go along way in helping you design or find your unique Libra Tattoo. To get more ideas about a Unique Libra Tattoo click here. ( By Ellen Kripp )