Henna tattoo

Henna Tattoo Designs - 7 Tips on How to Remove Henna Tattoos

Henna tattooOne of the advantages that henna tattoos have over permanent tattoos is that you can remove them at any time and replace them with the latest henna tattoo designs and patterns. Since there is no limit to the number of tattoo patterns you can use, the henna tattoo gives you the freedom of creating any design you want. Henna tattoos naturally fade within two or three weeks depending on environmental factors, the intensity of the application, skin type and the area of your body to which the tattoo was applied. Removing a henna tattoo is not normally necessary, since it fades of its own accord within two or three weeks, however, if you do want to remove it sooner, here are 7 tips to help you do just that:

1. You can make use of exfoliating creams to speed the removal of the tattoo - be gentle though, remember, you are underneath the tattoo!

2. You can also apply natural oil (olive oil or baby oil) to the tattoo area and wash it thoroughly.

3. If you are someone who changes their mind frequently, don't leave the paste on for too long when you apply a new tattoo. This will stop the henna dye from colouring you too strongly in the first place!

4. You can always try a long soak in a hot bath to remove a henna tattoo. You can also add salt (and an exfoliating mitt) to remove the old henna design. The best bit about this option is that even if the tattoo doesn't shift, you still had a long soak in a hot bath...

5. Different areas of the body have different absorption intensity. Hence, rough skin removers (ie pummice stone or those sandpaper removers for feet) will also be quite helpful in removing tattoos. Obviously, these should not be used on any sensitive areas of the body.

6. Tattoo fade out naturally when you do any sweat inducing work as it promotes removal of the henna tattoo - so get down to the gym.

7. If your clothes or any leather items have been stained by henna, drain out the henna by washing it with soap and water being careful not to spread it. You can also make use of wet or dry vacuum cleaner for removing henna from stained carpets.

Henna tattooJust remember, skin is different on different people and so it may be that in your case, you simply have to wait for the henna tattoo to fade. Look on the bright side though - at least it will fade. Your counterparts with permanent tattoos can't say the same about their tattoos when they get sick of them! ( By Sophie Dixon )