Tribal horse tattoo

Tribal horse tattoo

So you have made a choice that you want a tribal horse tattoo. A tribal horse tattoo would be great body art, but have you really put that much thought into the research that you need to do before getting your new artwork

Japanese tattoo artist

Japanese Tattoo Art
Artilcles By Ben Blackmore

Japanese tattoo artistSome question the artistic factor of Japanese tattoo art, but it is because they are looking at simple pieces such as symbols. Japanese tattoo art consists of so much more. As a matter of fact, there are some amazing designs that celebrities and other high profile individuals have paid a lot of money for.


Japanese tattoo art has been around for centuries. It is thought that facial tattoos graced the faces of early Japanese settlers. Throughout the years, the art evolved and it was a custom to be tattooed with very detailed images. For instance, in 1827 Kuniyoshi Utagawa created 6 very intricate designs that were part of the 108 Heroes of the Suikoden. These heroes were like a bunch of Robin Hoods. Each tattoo told a piece of the story.

There is Japanese art that depicts their warriors as heavily tattooed. In today's Japan, it is not common to find someone who is heavily tattooed. As it stands, the Japanese people consider people who are tattooed to be a part of an underworld of gangsters. They believe it to be a habit of the low class. Young tattooed people in Japan have them placed where people cannot see. That way they do not have to encounter judgment by their peers or older individuals in Japan.

But the Japanese tattoo designs are quite amazing when you look at them. They depict parts of Japanese history, contain many fine lines that make the design, and the colors are so vivid and unique. Some people may even have their entire back tattooed because some tattoos are only good when they are large and a message is to be relayed.


Japanese tattoo artistFlowers and dragons tend to be the most common, aside from Japanese symbols with significant meaning to the tattooed individual. Extensive Japanese tattoo art can take a while to finish. Because of the amount of detail put into some designs, it can take several sittings to finish. Having one done in one sitting could be quite daunting to the tattoo artist and to the recipient. It is also necessary to allow some healing to take place before continuing some parts of the journey.

It is also common to see Japanese tattoo art of Japanese warriors with weapons and of serpents. The best way to know what your options are is to explore online or consult with your Japanese tattoo artist on what it is that can be done for you.

Flower designs

Tattoo - Flower Designs
Articles By Paula Ribeiro

Flower designsWith so many floral species to choose between, with tattoo flower designs, it can be a rather daunting task to decide on the one that you feel is right for you. Also, you may be pondering over whether or not a sole flower is right, or if a chain or group of flowers is best.

Flower designsWhatever you decide to opt for, in the end, one thing you can always pretty much guarantee with flower tattoo designs is the fact that the finished piece is likely to be extremely colorful and very eye-catching.Mother Nature has spent a lot of time crafting these amazing plants and they will look wonderful when they are recreated on the body.

In nature itself, there are flowers that are available to capture any type of color that appeals to you. Whether it is the deep-red rose, or the more subtle white and yellow of the daisy; talented tattoo artists should be able to bring these alive for you in your ultimate tattoo piece.

It is probably fair to say that flower tattoo designs are usually more preferred among the ladies. This is because they provide the ultimate statement of femininity and the designs will look exceptionally tasteful, elegant and pretty.

Men do plug for flower tattoo designs and roses have always been a very common choice. Often such flowers will be accompanied by other symbols or emblems and the man usually goes for the rose as a statement of love towards someone special in his life.

I have even noticed a lot of men incorporate flower tattoo designs into fully sleeved tattoos and this actually looks highly effective. With plenty of green foliage in between the flowers themselves, this type of design will actually look far more masculine and makes for an awesome piece.

Women would not usually go as far as a full tattooed sleeve and instead, they tend to prefer to locate flower tattoo designs on parts of the body that are going to add to the elegance and daintiness of the piece. With this in mind, the top and bottom areas of the back do look absolutely great and for a long flower tattoo design, this looks amazing when it ventures down the length of the spine.

With floral chains, this can look particularly pretty when it graces the ankle area or even the top of the arm. Small and colorful designs also look at home when they are crafted at the top of the chest, but don't go overboard in this area and keep things subtle.

Flower tattoo designs popularity shows absolutely no signs of waning any time soon. In fact, they are being selected more and more by avid body art enthusiasts. These designs can be especially intricate, therefore make sure you select the right tattooist for the job. Don't be afraid to discuss adding other details or even taking some away.

Floral tattoo designs

The Best Floral Tattoo Designs For Women - How to Find the Right Design Online
Articles By Caitlin Orser

Floral tattoo designs Flower designs are some of the most popular tattoos among women and it is no wonder. If done correctly, a flower tattoo can look great on a woman's body. Here I will reveal you how you can find the best floral tattoo designs for women online!

How You Can Find the Right Floral Design Today!

If you go to any major search engine and type in "floral tattoo designs for women", you will find all sorts of free galleries of various tattoo pictures in them. The problem is that in these free galleries, you will only find very poorly made designs and I do not believe that you wish to settle for an ugly floral image to be tattooed on your skin. I know I don't!

The other issue with these galleries is that the pictures of floral tattoos for women that you might find there, are often very common. It isn't fun to have the same body art that every other woman walking across the street has. A more unique floral tattoo is most likely what you want, right?

Floral tattoo designs The good news is that nowadays there are some high quality tattoo galleries available, where you can find floral and other designs from some of the most recognized artists in the whole world. These galleries have thousands and thousands of tattoo designs, so it is very likely that you will find the one design that is the right for you! This is basically the cheapest and best way to find high quality tattoo designs.

Arm tattoo designs

Tribal Arm Tattoos - How Mere Ink Bears So Much Substance and Intrigue
Articles By Marko W.

Arm  tattoo designsJust A Little Black Ink Doesn't Mean I'm Of Questionable Character, Does It?

I grew up in a fairly conservative family where Tribal Arm Tattoos were considered taboo. Hmmm, a taboo tattoo? Sounds kind of ominous. Well, my less than liberal upbringing by my parents, were tremendously against the idea of myself getting needles jabbed in my body of which I wanted so badly.

I was led to believe that only people of questionable character and morality, were thought to get tribal design tattoos, no matter where it was located. I then thought - "Is just a little harmless ink on my arms created in a tasteful way, going to make me 'immoral'? Heck no!"

Once I grew up and obtained my own independence, basically having 'flown the coop', I looked into Polynesian tattoo designs much more closely. I found what I learned was very intriguing indeed...

Truly A Sacred Art-Form

Several generations ago and still to this day, tattoo art is considered an integral facet of the tribal culture among the Polynesian heritage. Tribal arm tattoos were definitely not just simple body art for decorative purposes. In those days, there were no tats of ship anchors, Disney characters or 'I love Mom' that's for sure.

Most, if not all arm tattoo designs, had been elevated to the spiritual realm. There were three major factors driving this transformation: Pain, Permanence, and Loss of the Life Source (Blood).

The mystical combination of the three factors was seen as the chance to draw ever closer to God; whatever that signified to the tribe. The two sons of the God of Creation, taught the fine art of tribal art tattoos to humans.

A Language In Of Itself

Arm tattoo designsThe tradition for tribal art designs, was temporarily lost when the missionaries eliminated the practice. However, this practice returned through the drawings of the German physician and explorer - Karl Von Den Steinen.

His artistry displayed representations of an individual's life history, work activities and island heritage, where it was permanently drawn on the tribes-peoples' bodies. Time, history, location and indigenous culture, have given rise to great variations of tribal design tattoos throughout the world. Thus it's extreme popularity in the international community.

Polynesian tattoo designs took on a vital role in their respective cultures. The Polynesians really didn't have any written language with which to communicate. Consequently, these societies used this complex art-form to express their sexual maturity, heritage, achievements, conquests and rank within their society.

Evidently, tattooing and everything it encompassed, would never leave their ancient traditions.

For example, a male member of the tribe, whom had no tribal tattoo, was still regarded as a 'boy'. He was not allowed to speak among the men and was forced to complete tasks traditionally carried out by the women.

Status Symbols With Depth

Tattooing has always been thought of as a rite of passage. Adolescents typically received their first tattoo at the age of 12 or 13. (I would think that's certainly not the most painless method to be introduced to your teens by any means!).

Additional tattoos would be received as the years passed during adolescence then into adulthood. The tribal tattoo design normally indicated the individual's growing prestige and accomplishments within the tribe. The number of tattoos indicated numerous factors, the more common being, wealth, strength and power.

Chiefs and warriors usually had the most tribal markings, including tribal sleeve tattoos, armband tattoos and even full body tribal tattoo designs. On the other hand, those with none or few tattoos, were usually not respected and often found themselves ignored and disregarded by the rest of the tribe.

So it was basically getting yourself pricked, poked and pained, or you can't hang out at the feasts and ceremonial shin-digs or you'd be shunned! Get some needle-love, or no tribal boogie-ing around the fire!

Countless societies worldwide continue to harbor a tremendous respect, fascination and desire for these alluring tribal art designs. There's so much more we can learn about these captivating tattoos, their origin and what they represent. Thus, these eye-catching intricate patterns telling their own stories in such a unique and remarkable manner.

Lucky for us, there is a certain tattoo studio which provides an absolute treasure-trove of resources, education, advice, artists from studios from all over the globe, community feedback, valuable free treats, plus videos and documentaries on everything related to tribal arm tattoos and then some.

More importantly however, this gem of a resource truly alleviates the tedious, pain-staking process of hunting down that distinct and elusive tribal arm tattoo, which truly saves a ton of money, time and effort - bar none.

Ankle tattoo designs

Sexy Ankle Tattoo Designs For Women
Articles By Chris Ryerson

Ankle tattoo designsHave you been thinking about getting a sexy ankle tattoo design? Ankle tattoos have been around for a long time and have always been a very popular place to get a tattoo for women. There are a variety of reasons for this they are very sexy, easily hidden when needed and there are a ton of great designs that work well on a female ankle. Below you will find some great ideas for ankle tattoo designs for women.

Ankle Tattoos Are Easily Hidden

Ankle tattoo designsOne of the best things about ankle tattoo designs are they can easily be hidden by wearing a pair of shoes and socks. If you work in a job wear bearing a tattoo is not acceptable then you can just cover it easily. However, if you want to show off your tattoo just take off the socks or wear a pair of sexy sandals to bring attention to your ankles.

Ankle Tattoo Ideas

Ankle tattoo designsThere are a wide variety of different ankle tattoos and one of the most important things to consider when trying to choose the design that is just right for you is to choose something that has symbolic significance to you. It might be a flower that is of special important or even the names of your children. Whatever it is you will be much happier with your tattoo if you put some time into carefully considering the design that you want.

Some of the most popular ankle tattoo designs are: Celtic, tribal, Hawaiian, dolphin tattoos.

Typical Costs

One of the best things about ankle tattoos is they are often not very expensive. Of course if you are looking to really save money and don't have much to spend you can simply get some of the flash that is in the tattoo shop you go to. However, this is not really the recommended way and instead it is better to choose a design that you create and holds significance for you. Even though it costs more to have an artist create a design for you in the end you will be much happier with the resulting tattoo. Ankle tattoos are pretty small and can most frequently be done in only one sitting a few hours tops. Thus means they will often be rather inexpensive. A typical tattoo will cost between $50 to $200 dollars.

Tattoo Pain

Pain is very subjective and what is unbearable to one person is no big deal to another person. Therefore it is hard to state clearly how painful the tattoo will be. However the easiest way to consider if a tattoo will be more or less painful is to think about the amount of tissue between where the tattoo will be done and bone. If there is not a lot of other tissue in the area that the tattoo is most likely going to be more painful. Therefore an ankle tattoo can be more painful then an arm tattoo design.

Girl tattoo

Cute Girl Tattoos - Which Designs Always Come Out Amazing?
Articles By Adam Woodham

Just about any design choice can be made into cute girl tattoos, but that's not what we're going to talk about. Having tons of styles to choose from is not a bad thing, though. Not even close. Taking the time to learn about various styles and researching the design choices you might like is always a good thing. In fact, people who do "not" do this will usually regret the artwork they put on their body, which really stinks. Here's are some of the most amazing designs choices, which can all be made into cute girl tattoos.

I am going to lump some of the most popular ones into the same boat: Butterflies, fairies, stars, astrological signs and the like. You can't go wrong with any of these choices, although a disturbing trend is happening to these styles. A lot of sites know how popular they are, so they stuff their servers with any generic artwork they can find. They don't care that their artwork is cookie cutter. They just care that it will draw more visitors. Be careful with this artwork, because 95% of people regret putting a generic tat on their body. They do not make cute girl tattoos.

Whatever styles you end up picking, just make sure you are doing it for the right reason, and not just because other people are doing it. Fads come and go. That's why trendy artwork will not last.

A couple of the less common styles are Kanji, women tribals and "New School" artwork. These three choices are not as common on women, but they are very, very in depth and growing in popularity. You are not limited when you choose these cute girl tattoos, because there are so many various ways to incorporate these style choices. That's the best way to ensure you pick a design that you're 100% happy with. Styles that can go 50 different way are always good, because it gets your creative thoughts flowing. Kanji is mostly letters, tribals are very traditional and new school artwork is just now beginning to take off, but incorporate dozens of various traditions.

Famous tattoo artists

Lower Back Tattoo Designs - Ways to Be Unique
Articles By Terry Daniels

Famous tattoo artistsA tattoo can be anything and put anywhere on the body, but the sexiest place by far is lower back tattoo designs. Women are drawn toward them because they will accentuate the natural curves by making the waist appear smaller or enhancing the hips and curves of the bottom. Men find them appealing much for the same reasons.

Popular designs are those that wing out from a center piece. It can be a small, intricate weave or expand from hip to hip. Some lower back tattoo designs are extensions of larger, full back pieces of art. The body is a canvas, and the back is the flattest part to work on. Most tattoo artists are pleased when a client requests these areas.

If you are doing some searching online for these types of designs, you probably have seen the same artwork over and over again. Nobody really wants a tattoo that's plastered all over country. I have seen the same design many times while walking the beach in the summer. Boring. So, where to find original designs that are not yet popular?

Online Forums

Famous  tattoo artistsBy signing up for several online forums that discuss tattoos, you will find plenty of fellow canvas holders who will direct you to the best sites to find unique lower back tattoo designs. These sites are often rare in themselves, because you generally cannot find them using your basic search engines. From there you will be taken to:

Online Galleries

Some of these galleries will show works of art from famous tattoo artists from around the world, such as Damon Conklin, Boog and Mordenti. Some of these artists are known for their portraiture. If are looking to immortalize your idol, this is where you want to go.

By choosing work from artists that are creating designs you are looking for, you will be sure to get the very best. If you are new to body art, then learning how to spot good work is one thing you need to learn. Take your time and browse.

Famous tattoo artistsOne way to ensure that your lower back tattoo designs will be unique is by taking several different designs you particularly like and mixing them together to create a whole new look. If you are working with a professional this will not be hard to do. A good artist is also very creative in this area. Ask if this or that can be changed to make it totally different.

By taking your time and using some imagination and a good artist, you will be able to have a design that is uniquely yours, at least for a while. If an artist is very pleased with a design he/she will showcase it. You can request that it be kept out of the books and off the walls, but if it will be a money maker, don't count on it.

Tribal sun tattoos

Light Up Your World With Sun Tattoo Designs
Articles By Tony Newton

Tribal sun tattoosThe sun has always been depicted in many mythologies as a kind of god or deity. This could be a reason why even from long time ago, people already prefer to use sun tattoo designs. Using the sun as a tattoo does not mean you are worshipping the sun as your god. These days, sporting a tattoo of any design is just an expression of one's fashion sense. Some wear tattoos as marks or symbols that they belong to some close-knit group.

Tribal sun tattoos have visual appeal and excellent form when worn on skin. The most creative of tattoo artists can come up with really good variations of the basic sun image with use of colors and different strokes and styles.

There are various symbolisms for a sun tattoo. One is that it signifies anger or strength. Others use the sun to symbolize power, dignity, truth, great strength, leadership, force, and ultimate creativity. There are many forms as well - Celtic, eye of Horus, sun with the moon and stars, tribal sun, or Aztec.

Tribal  sun tattoosIt is important that you choose the right sun design that best suits your personality. This is true for any kind of tattoo design. You have to be proud to wear the tattoo on your arm, legs, chest, lower back, ankles, or shoulders.

Tribal  sun tattoosMen mostly wear tribal sun tattoo designs but there are a handful of women who also go for such a design. The sun tattoo design particularly looks great on the female's belly button but most women prefer having their tattoos on their hips or lower back. Men can have the sun design in a large size and have it pierced on their backs. That would provide a large space for the tattoo artist to work on.

Tattoo artist

Becoming a Tattoo Artist
Articles By Ben Quick

Tattoo artistBecoming a tattoo artist makes for an interesting career choice. Unlike nearly all other professions, the training for tattoo artistry has not be co-opted by university and tech schools where you can simply enroll, take a course, learn the skill, and then move out into the real world and become a professional artist.

In fact, the tattoo world has kept its doors closed to others, allowing people in one by one as an apprentice. This is a nod to the old school style of teaching a trade, craft, or a skill. It keeps the talent moving from person to person and creates a real personal touch to the craft.

The question is how to become an apprentice?

Tattoo artistThe easiest way to get moving on this is a simple one, but it actually stops most people from ever starting. This is the act of going out and asking local tattoo shops and local tattoo artists for their input on how a person can become a tattoo artist. This naturally leads to a good opener into the question of local apprenticeships and how one might get their foot in the door of such an opportunity.

At the same time, beginner artists might take the step of buying equipment on their own to get their hands dirty. This does not mean giving tattoos, as there is fake skin to practice on just for that. However, it is worth considering buying a tattoos kit or other type of beginner supply kit to understand what pieces are involved, how to handle them, how they work, and how to clean them.

Tattoo  artistWith this knowledge fresh in mind, it may become easier to find a mentor who can see that you are serious about becoming a tattooing artist. Often the first step in the door means working for free doing mundane but necessary work around the tattoo shop, such as sweeping the floors and running the front desk. However, this is how people tend to start, and it gives an aspiring tattoo artist a chance to see how a shop is run, and in due time, a chance to work directly underneath a mentor tattoo artist.

It may not be the most efficient technique for producing tattoo artists, but it keeps the tattoo industry and tattoo culture something personal and close to the heart.

Tattoo parlors

Selecting A Tattoo Parlor
Articles By Aurel Radulescu

Tattoo parlorsWhen considering a tattoo, it is important to do some research on the tattoo parlor before deciding to hire them. There are several questions that every customer should ask before even considering hiring a tattoo artist. How long has the tattoo parlor been in business? Have there been any complaints lodged against them with the local Better Business Bureau ? If you have friends who also have tattoos, who do they recommend and what was their experience with the artist? It is very important to follow up with references, along with an extensive background check of the company. The background check may be to simply make sure the company hasn't switched names a number of times or moved around frequently within the same area, which may indicate poor service. All of these factors must be considered before selecting a tattoo parlor and/or artist.

Tattoo parlorsIn your research, try to find out which businesses have the best history with making sure their equipment is clean. This is the most important thing to consider about tattoos because, if the business is not licensed or the artist is not a professional, there is no guarantee that their instruments are clean or properly maintained. Your health is your biggest concern so, if you are considering tattoos, be sure to select the best parlor for the job. If equipment is unsanitary, there is the possibility of diseases being transmitted or even infections. These can be very dangerous and should not be discounted.

A quality tattoo parlor is one that will be welcoming to the customer. The artist should be friendly and personable and not intimidate the customer. In addition, the artist should not push one design over another. For example, a customer should not be talked into getting a more expensive tattoo when the one they really wanted would cost much less. The same business practices, regarding sales and customer service, are the same with tattoo parlors and any other business. No customer likes a pushy sales pitch or an unfriendly salesperson. The tattoo parlor that a customer ultimately selects should be one that looks clean, features friendly and courteous service and has a good record with the Better Business Bureau and customer references.

The best way to locate tattoo parlors is a quick search through the telephone book's yellow pages or via one of the many internet directories. By searching under the 'tattoo' category or keyword, an individual should be able to quickly locate any tattoo parlors in his/her local area.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or recommendations for tattoo placement. Before deciding on getting a tattoo or having one removed, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for medical advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual healthcare needs.

Koi tattoos designs

Koi Tattoos Designs - A Symbol of Wisdom and Strength
Articles By Lorenzo Zaras

Koi tattoos designsAlthough koi tattoos designs are popular due to its association with oriental (Japanese and Chinese) myths, it is gaining more attention from the western society due to its symbolical meaning. The koi is basically a symbol that represents perseverance during the time of adversity. It is perceived to be of strength in character and wisdom. It is also a symbol of longevity as koi fishes can live up to thirty years or for some lucky ones, up to 200 years. This character of longevity is further represented as perseverance and its color and form has charmed many artists.

Koi is a Japanese word for carp and has been a staple pet in still water ponds. They are very beautiful and their colors and designs are intricate.

The koi has long been a symbol of manhood and the strength of masculinity. It leaps and can even turn into a dragon based on legends. For Buddhists, the koi is significant as it represents fearlessness and braveness as it journeys through the ocean. Koi tattoos designs therefore can be a metaphor of a human being's struggle to exist on earth.

Koi tattoos designsWhere masculinity is valued, the koi tattoos designs are also popular. A young man can have a koi tattoo on his arm or leg and as he grows into a man, he might get a dragon on his back as a symbol of transformation as when a koi transforms into this mystical creature. The intricate design of the koi entices artists as its form, whiskers, colors, shape of each scale is lovingly tattooed onto a person's skin.

Military tattoo designs

Military Tattoo Designs - Find Out About the Best Designs
Articles By Michael Trott

Military tattoo designsAre you considering getting a military tattoo design? Before rushing to a shop and getting tattooed, there are some things that you ought to know before you get one.

Military tattoo  designsHistoric and Modern, these are the two basic types of military tattoo designs. Historic designs are those that usually contain mottos and logos representing the most well-known fighters and veterans in history. Modern designs, on the other hand, are artwork devices that represent various divisions of the armed forces.

There is a restriction, though, for those who want to get a design representing a particular division in the military, but have never served in that division at all. By doing so, those who have worked in the division may be insulted.

If you are part of the military personnel, you have to make sure that design you choose is in line with the codes imposed by your particular branch. You can place your design in your upper arm so you can just hide it with your uniform when on duty.

One of the most-worn military tattoo designs is the "Screaming Eagle" device which is used by airborne soldiers. Although it is mostly associated with sailors, its popularity has been vastly expanded throughout the military branches. The Anchor is also one of the well-known designs worn by people who serve and who have served in the Navy. Army, marines and air force use the signature military tattoo design consisting of an American Flag and an Eagle.

Getting military tattoo designs does not only symbolize your toughness and bravery. What's most special in getting one is your dedication to your service, and your patriotism and love for your country.

Japanese tattoo art

Japanese Tattoo Art - History and Transitions

Japanese tattoo artThe Japanese tattoo art have gone a long way in such a way that it passed several transition period in the history of Japan. There are other names associated to the art of tattoo making. Irezumi means that a visible tattoo is covering the large part of your body, such as your back. If you are interested to adorn your body with Japanese tattoos, it would be ideal if you know also its history and meaning.

The Evolution of Japanese Tattoo Art

Early History

According to historians, the tattoo making in Japan was a strong influence by the Chinese culture. During the early years tattoo making is just a tradition done by Ainu people who used facial tattoos. When Buddhism became prevalent in Japan this form of body art had gained negative connotations because the tattoo is used to identify criminals as a form of punishment.

Edo Period

The tattoo making during the Edo period became a taboo to the Japanese culture because it is used by prostitutes. The yujos inked body art in their body to attract customers that is why tattoo has gained negative impact in the society.

Modern Japan

Due to the development and innovation in the society, the Japanese tattoo art has also developed. Nowadays, body art has gained popularity not only for younger people but the adults alike. For younger people they acquire this work of art just to keep in the fashion trend but for others they put tattoo in their body for some sentimental reasons. Upon knowing the transitions of tattoo art in Japan you will surely appreciate to have any of the designs and symbols inked in your body.

You can find different variety of tattoo art online and even in your local tattoo shop. If you are interested to learn this form of art you can buy books that could help you learn the techniques in tattoo making. Aside from enjoying the tattoo making it can help you obtain additional income by rendering service for body art. However, make sure that you know all the procedures and equipments used before you venture in tattoo making.

This form of body art lets you express yourself through the designs inked in your body. However, before you decide to pick one, it is ideal that you make wide choices. Likewise, it is also important that you determine what design would represent best your character and personality. Remember to select a design that has a meaning relevant in your life or has significance to you. ( Articles By Patricia F. Morris )

Lost art tattoo

Lost art tattoo
Lost art tattoo

Guardian angel tattoo

Guardian Angel Tattoos - Finding the Right Meaningful Design For You
Articles By Terry Daniels

Guardian angel tattooGuardian angel tattoos are very meaningful. However, everybody views them a bit differently. You must choose one that really means something to you, rather than pick one out just because you like the way it looks. All too often somebody will choose a random, low quality tattoo. After they get it inked onto their skin, they are either disappointed with the way it turned out or find that many other people have the same exact tattoo. This is because the internet is flooded with the same ole' tattoo designs.

So, how can you find quality designs of guardian angel tattoos? Well, obviously, you should take your time in choosing. Never, ever make any impulse decision in regards to something that will be on you forever. You don't want to be one of the many people who settle on the first decent tattoo they come across, only to regret doing so for the rest of their lives. They look back and wish that they had been more patient with their decision. The same thing will happen to you if you don't take your time to find a high quality design.

Guardian  angel tattooOne thing you need to do is make sure that the guardian angel tattoos you consider are truly drawn to be made into tattoos. The sad thing is that so many of the galleries you will find through a search engine will have nothing but generic artwork. Nothing you will find was actually drawn by a tattoo artist to be made into body art. A special type of drawing needs to be done in order for the designs to come out looking great and clean once inked in on your body.

Many people will end up picking out random designs. They go in and get them inked, and don't realize that the result is not going to come out looking as amazing as they were hoping. The guardian angel tattoos that they thought look great on their computer screens and papers don't look so great on them. Whenever you choose a design, you should ask a talented tattoo artist if it should be altered in any way before it is made into body art.

Here is a helpful tip that can help you find a lot of wonderful angel tattoo art that you have undoubtedly missed out on:

Guardian angel  tattooSpend some time browsing through internet forums. You will be amazed over the number of great links you will find at forums, most of which don't show up in Google results. All you have to do is use a forum's search function and type in "guardian angel tattoos" or something similar. You will then be able to locate all of the topics that have information, links, and images to quality designs. People post everything they find to share with others, therefore eliminating a lot of hard work that you would otherwise have to do yourself! Just check out the dates on the threads you look over to ensure that the angel designs you find links to are relatively new.

Lion tattoos

Roaring Lion Tattoo Designs
Articles By John J. Phillips

Lion tattoosMany tattoo enthusiasts would agree that a lion tattoo design would be one of the most challenging designs they can inked on human skin. A lion tattoo design can come in different shapes and sizes. It gets more complicated once you think as to how you would like the lion to be captured and inked on your skin. The options starts from a simple lion's face showing its huge mane either with a big roar or just simply mouth closed, down to showing the whole lion's body in its most graceful form.

Whatever design would that be, we can all agree that lion tattoo designs have intricate details that will require great skill and patience from a tattoo artist, as well as a great endurance from the person getting the tattoo.

The lion is the king of the jungle, and as a way of expressing one's self, each one of us is a king in our own ways that would want to rule our life. So there is no doubt why people are willing to take the pain of the needle and choose to have a roaring lion tattoo design inked on their skin.

Even with the lion's powerful traits that can represent courage, conquest, personal intensity, nobility and great strength; the symbol is sometimes seen by some people from a different angle. Other people interpret that the lion tattoo designs symbolizes vanity and pride due to its ruling power in the jungle. For some, the lion is even associated to Christianity, especially when a full lion tattoo design is combined with a cross or a crown. However, in astrology the lion is the symbol of Leo that brings along the power of the Sun and its glory.

Lion tattoosIn spite of its various symbolism and meanings, a lot of people, especially the male gender are still choosing the lion as a tattoo design for their body that they will carry for the rest of their life. Yes, for the rest of their life. Tattoo inks are permanent so one should really know what they are getting into.

Lion tattoosIf you will ever consider getting a lion tattoo design, you should know what you want. Do a research of different lion faces, positions, and other designs you can add on. Get as much designs as you can get and trim it down to your top three choices. Again, "your top three choices" and not other people's choice, after all it is your skin that will be inked.

Once you have your choices, seek advice from tattoo artists; ask your family and friends' opinions about the lion tattoo designs of your choice. Then choose the part of your body where you would want to have it that you can wear it loud and proud just like a lion.

Name tattoo designs

Name Tattoo Designs - Giving Affection to Your Name Tattoo Design
Articles by Amy Johns

Name tattoo designsAs the name suggests, name tattoo designs imply that they have personal appeal for both the person who has the tattoo done and the person whose name has been embedded on the skin. I suggest that both parties consult each other and evaluate what design elicits the same degree of affirmation; except of course when it is meant to be as a surprise thing.

Our names are very meaningful to us. When we associate our names to persons, animals, and plants and even man-made objects that portray our positive and strong characteristics we generate further and deeper meaning to our names. Name tattoos ought to provide similar impression. What is more meaningful is that the indelibility of tattoos intimates that the person's expression of endearment through a name mark is forever. Basically, it would always remind and refresh the primary fact that the person behind the embedded name is of great value.

Name  tattoo designsThere are persons who love their family so much that they wanted to create a family name tattoo and desire that all members have it as symbol of unity. In this situation, a meticulous effort to select the best drawing and balance color combination must be done. The meanings and symbolism of the design must be interpreted among family members. A family assembly might be necessary to ratify the tattoo design being considered.

Excellence through out the imprinting of the tattoo must be the prevailing mindset of everyone involved. The lettering should be legible and readable. Calligraphic characters must be done despite the painstaking effort to possess a splendid name art. All for the sake of beauty, passion and love, give affection to your name tattoo.

Free tattoo art

Looking For Free Tattoo Flash Art to Print?

Free tattoo artFirstly, I would like to know where my tattoo designs come from. I wouldn't want a tattoo design that is not done by a professional flash or tattoo artist. It is very important that the artist of the tattoo design has experience and knowledge on drawing designs that are tattoo ready and friendly.

(quote from Otis Alston )

Tattoos design

Dragon Tattoos Designs - Tips on How to Get Such Meaningful Tattoo Designs

Tattoos designDragon tattoos designs are considered to be one of those very popular designs that people are dying to have drawn into their bodies. These designs are usually singled out and adored so much mainly because the dragons are always associated by people to having strength, bravery, and power. If you are one of those millions of people all over the world who are bent on having their bodies inked with such dragon tattoos designs, then this article is for you. Here are some of the other things that you need to know in order for you to understand more about the concept of getting such dragoon tattoos on your body.

Tattoos designFirst and foremost, such dragon designs showcase a feeling of fearlessness which is a very important factor to being successful. If you have the guts to conquer, then more or less, you will be one of those people who will go for such dragon tattoo designs. After all, the tattoo you will wear will always be a reflection or mirror of what you truly want to become. Choose your tattoo designs wisely.

Protection and security are two of the other basic things that are represented by such designs. Such images serve as a representation or symbol of the person's total personality, or better yet, of his future dreams and ambitions as well. They may even suggest one's desires, wants, needs or longings for being protected and being secure at all times. By inking such markings in their very own physical body, it more or less strengthens or intensifies their beliefs of acquiring such traits and values.

What is more, there are what we call the European, as well as the Asian dragons which are the ones most frequently used as far as dragon tattoo designs are concerned. Both of these tattoo designs actually originate from a rich tradition and myths, which make the symbol of dragons much more worthwhile. The European dragons are actually those that are regularly exemplified in medieval times, if not as a castle guard, then as a frightening sentry.

On the other hand, you can also choose the Asian tattoo designs which have a sense of balance when talking about good and evil. These dragon designs in fact, represent not only power but also a great sense of mystery, goodwill, brainpower, knowledge, protection, supernatural powers, and of benevolence. While the dragons are considered to be both a fearsome and placid creature, the more the people are adhered to using them and making them a part of their bodies used as accessories.

In addition, there are also what you call the Chinese tattoo designs that come with fixed characteristics. While the Horned dragon is considered to be the strongest or mightiest, the Celestial dragons are believed to be the ones to watch over the mighty heavens and the one that protects God. In fact, there is still a long queue of dragons for discussion; but the most important thing is research if you want to end up with the best dragon tattoo designs for you. ( By Russell Reugh )

Tattoo Galery

Tattoo Galery

Tattoo GaleryAs tattoos for women are getting larger, more women are going for beautiful hearts, Celtic roses, tribal tattoos, stars, and a variety of other designs. Women are also becoming quite experimental when it comes to their tattoos, with some of them coming up with their own designs, and some women going for tattoos that are quite large as well. Usually you can find all of the most popular designs for women at a female tattoo gallery.

Tattoo enthusiasts

As an expression of faith/religion

Tattoo enthusiastsReligious tattoos have become more and more popular these days because they can be designed to look cool and edgy. The cross is a very popular religious symbol that many tattoo enthusiasts are going for. You can find crosses that have tribal, eclectic, Celtic and Gothic styles on the net as well as tattoo books and magazines offline.

Tattoo enthusiasts( in the quotation from Trey Laudren )